Writing Questions

Here are three fun writing exercises for the person who loves to write. 

Writing Cay E1.docx Writing Cay E1.docx
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Writing Cay E2.docx Writing Cay E2.docx
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Writing Cay E3.docx Writing Cay E3.docx
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Here is a way to review all the vocab from the Timeline! Credit to http://www.merriam-webster.com for definitions.

Link: http://www.vocabtest.com/user_test.php

Username: Cay

Test: "The Cay" Timeline Vocabulary


ID: 189468

Worksheets and Quizes 

Don't forget to try a quiz or worksheet!

Print this coloring page out and color!

The BEST way to learn geography, is to handwrite it.

Print this blank Curaçao map from http://thenwetravel.info.

Then GOOGLE Curaçao and write in ten different aspects of the map. Color it!

The Cay Timeline.mj3 The Cay Timeline.mj3
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Type : mj3

This is an quick and simple game that I made on microworlds. 

"The Cay" Timeline Questions


1.    In the Timeline it states the time period in which the book took place. What is the time period?


a.    2000’s

b.    1750’s

c.     1930’s

d.    1940’s

e.    None of the Above


2.    Why did Grace originally not get to go to Norfolk?


a.    She did not have enough money to sail on a ship.

b.    It was too dangerous to sail.

c.     She was unable to fly

d.    C&B

e.    All of the Above

f.      None of the Above


3.    Complete the Phrase: Philip was “blind” to the fact that this was their only water and they needed it. Instead of being grateful, Philip got upset at Timothy and still poured himself more water.  In reality, though, Timothy is only trying to make things ________________ for Philip.


a.    Worse

b.    Easier

c.     Better

d.    Last longer

e.    None of the Above


4.    True or False: In Chapter 4, the book is shifting from the exposition to the rising action.




5.    Definition Definer. In the sentence: “Except, it is a tiny, vacant Cay,” what does vacant mean?


a.    Open to the Public

b.    Unknown

c.     Empty

d.    Suitable

e.    None of the Above


6.    Making Inferences. We know that Timothy can’t write words, what other things can we infer about Timothy?


a.    Timothy cannot read.

b.    Timothy is not smart.

c.     Timothy was homeless

d.    Timothy is stubborn

e.    None of the Above


7.    What did Timothy do to try to kill the evil Jumbi (Stew Cat)?


a.    He built a fire and then recited a prayer.

b.    He killed Stew Cat.

c.     He forever abandoned Stew Cat.

d.    Painted a picture of an angry Stew Cat.

e.    None of the Above


8.    Read the following sentence: However, at some points, he wished Timothy took Philip with him. What does,“ he wished Timothy took Philip with him,” mean?


a.    Philip wished that Timothy taught him how to catch langosta.

b.    Philip wished that Timothy showed him around the island.

c.     Philip wished that Timothy took him to heaven with him.

d.    None of the Above


9.    True or False: Did Timothy teach Philip how to fish in chapter 11?





10. What made Philip not blind?


a.    Overtime, his eyesight came back.

b.    Through optical surgery.

c.     With Glasses

d.    None of the Above


11. Which question is most like the ones Philip asked?


a.    How about we take a tour of the cay?

b.    What is Punda?

c.     Why is there a curly c in the name Curaçao?

d.    Why did the Germans attack Aruba?

e.    None of the Above


12.  Definition Definer. What does the word neurotic mean in this context? “Philip’s mother, Grace, who’s neurotic as can possibly be, decides the family should escape the war and move back to their hometown: Norfolk, Virginia.”


a.    Overanxious

b.    Crazy

c.     Stubborn

d.    None of the Above


13. What date was the S.S. Hato torpedoed?


a.    March 6, 1943

b.    April 6, 1942

c.     August 18, 1942

d.    May, 19, 1941

e.    None of the Above



14. What word was used to describe Philip?


a.    Obnoxious

b.    Mean

c.     Crazy

d.    Disrespectful

e.    None of the Above


15. Name the three things Timothy built when they first reached the cay


a.    a help sign, a hut, langosta

b.    a jumbi sculpture, a hut, a new keg

c.     a canoe, hut, and ore

d.    None of the Above